Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Artist Statement"

When these things are forced, they're terrible. When they're intentional, it's pretentious. The point of an artist producing some kind of work lies in the work itself, and should only be verbalized after the fact should he or she be asked. I have no particular statement as the work I produce here is not work I voluntarily produce. How can any type of statement be attached to that?

The work here will have no particular point or message; that kind of informed process which will come into play later in my (potential) career will be prevalent then. This sounds kind of pretentious, doesn't it?  That's okay; this will be decided by those who read it as, again, this has no point. Can something without a point be worth anything, or even critically analyzed? Asking constant questions doesn't give meaning to a work unless they're explored and contextualized in an argument or thesis. I'm doing no such thing here. This isn't English class, either.

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